About NIE

Senthil Matriculation School, Krishnagiri follows Kindergarten method of education for “New kids on the block”.

Who is friedrich frobel?

He is a German Pedagogue, a student of Pestalozzi, who laid the foundation for modern education based on the recognition that children have unique needs and capabilities. Considering that, he created the concept of “KINDERGARTEN”.

Froebel’s educational principals:
  • The aim of education – to realise the unity principles.

  • The method of education – self- activity method

  • The method of play – impairing education to children

  • Principle of freedom – unfettered natural development of children.

  • Principle of social atmosphere – developed through self-activity in a social atmosphere.

Amenities of SMHSS – KG
  • Ample environment for the children.
  • Kindergarten methodology of teaching from age of 3.5 yrs to 6 yrs.
  • Activity based teaching and learning
  • Two teachers and one care taker for each environment.
  • Salutary morning and evening refreshments.
  • Learning through visual aids to improve their cognitive skills.
  • Comfortable and riskless play area.
  • Activity Lab – Learning moral and value education through activities.
  • Reliable transport facilities.
Prime Focus

Apart from languages we are also focusing on other areas of study such as

  • Math – To develop their arithmetic (+,-,x,/) capacities.
  • EVS (Science – only for UKG) – To develop their knowledge about the world.
  • General Knowledge – To develop their intelligence regarding current affairs.
  • Description – To develop their speaking ability.

We make our children to know about these things to lead their basic life independent.

Wisdom Training
We also train our children to get wisdom about the most important areas which will help them to success in their life.
  • Communicative English – To improve communication skills.
  • Computer (Introduction) – To make the children as a smart one.
  • Moral and Value Education – To fulfill our motto “Character Based Quality Education”.